960 Penn Avenue, Suite 1001, Pittsburgh, PA 15222   412-281-1110


Morality cannot be legislated but behavior can be regulated. Judicial decrees may not change the heart, but they can restrain the heartless. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Strength to Love

Mt. Pleasant athletic trainer wins discrimination lawsuit on all counts

District Pays $95,001.00 in Damages for Sex, Age, Disability Discrimination...Read More

Documents: Settlement of fired Springdale police chief's suit cost $225K

Springdale's insurer paid $225,000 to settle a federal lawsuit fired police Chief Julio Medeiros III filed against the borough last year....Read More

Punxsutawney appoints new police chief after seven months

PUNXSUTAWNEY - Punxsutawney Borough Council held a special meeting Friday afternoon to discuss and ultimately vote on Officer Matt Conrad for position of chief of police....Read More

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